Vendor Guide

To create your vendor profile, you will need:
1. Logo (high resolution)1000 x1000

2. An email address to assign the vendor profile.

3. Brand descriptions.

a. Seller information: It will be shown as a small description of you as a designer under each product page.

b. Shop description: The summary of your brand that will be shown in your vendor profile on the top left-hand corner.

c. Shorter summary of the brand description for the designers page.

4. Website, IG or FB links.

5. A cover image for the store banner. 1500 x 1000 or a large image that can be used for a rectangular space.

6. High resolution 800 x 800 images of all the products you want us to feature. Products should be shown with a model, front and back or white background. The more images of a single product the better. Close-ups are great to show details.

7. Profile picture. a  200 x 200 image to upload as the main photo in the designers page.


This additional information is needed for each product image:

A. FOR CLOTHING. Show size measurements of each product such as bust, waist, hips, length, etc. (size guide if possible).

B. FOR ACCESSORIES. Show ring diameters or size in number. Length of necklaces, bracelet diameters, etc.

C. FOR SHOES. Attach shoe size guide in cm and inches.


Instructions when filling out the Product Page.

1. Variantes. Choose the Variable product option when a product has more than one size, color or any other attribute needed to be bought.

Any other attribute that is only descriptive will be assigned as an attribute not a variant.

The Simple Product option is for products that have no variables. They have only one option.

2. Titles. Choose titles wisely. Use keywords and SEO tips to make your product detectable by search engines.

3. Prices. Set your prices fairly.